
Our company has developed and mastered a new technology of prefabricated concrete houses.

Construction period - up to 3 months


Portfolio Projects



Prefabricated concrete cup…

For the construction of the foundation, we use prefabricated concrete cups. Ideal geometry, factory quality, no wet processes at the construction objects. Accelerating the production of foundation works, reducing the cost of foundation construction.


Prefabricated concrete columns

Сoncrete columns are installed in foundation glasses and poured with concrete. Installation of columns for the whole house takes 1 day. Columns of factory production and excellent quality. No formwork. No concrete work.

The columns have the same height as the height of the entire house according to the project.

Crossbars and concrete beams


Prefabricated concrete beams…

The next step after the installation of the columns is the installation of concrete beams between the columns at the floor level of the first floor, at the floor level of the second floor and at the roof level. Concrete beams are welded to the columns, the gaps are sealed with concrete. After that, we get a solid concrete frame of the house.


Prefabricated Hollowcore

We use hollowcore to create ground floor slabs, second floor slabs, and roof slabs. Installation of hollowcore in 1 day. Factory quality.

High installation speed. Low cost.

Concrete Wall Panels


Prefabricated Concrete Wall Panels…

We use prefabricated concrete panels as building envelopes. We also manufacture interior walls from prefabricated concrete panels. Perfect geometry, factory quality. Fast installation speed.


Prefabricated Window Blocks

We use prefabricated window blocks. Window blocks are delivered to the object and mounted using a crane. Our technology allows the use of all-round glazing from floor to ceiling.

High installation speed. Low cost.

Facade Wall Panels


Prefabricated Facade Wall Panels…

We use prefabricated fiber cement panels for building facades. Dry installation, modern beautiful facade. No cracks on the facade in the future.


Prefabricated Cornices

We manufacture metal cornices and hang them on the building. Cornices give the house an attractive modern look.

High installation speed. Low cost.

Do you want to get a quality modern home?

Construction period up to 3 months